Admissions Arrangements

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Edukos Trust’s Admissions Policy

Our Admissions Policy is one which applies to all schools within Edukos Trust.  Please click here for a copy of the Trust’s policy.

There are two different types of admissions:

  • those to start school at the ‘normal’ time for the start of the Reception year; and
  • those for places in other year groups or at any other time – these are called ‘in-year’ applications for school places.

In-year applications are made for example when a child is already attending one school and the parent/carers wish to move their child from one school to another and when a family moves to a different area and needs a new school place for their child(ren).

Whilst the admission authority for our schools is Edukos Trust, admissions applications are co-ordinated by the Local Authority, East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

When considering making an application, if you would like to visit the school, please contact them directly to arrange this.

Click here for further information about the admissions process.

Appeals for ‘in-year’ school admission requests are normally held within 30 school days of the date your appeal is received. You will be notified of the date of your appeal no later than ten school days before the appeal is due to take place.

If you live within the Hull City Council catchment area then complete and submit your application to Hull City Council who will then forward this on to the East Riding of Yorkshire Council.  Please click here for information.

Appeals Process

To find details of how to appeal an decision on a school place, click this link

Admissions Numbers

The published admissions number from Reception through to Year 6 is 15 pupils. It is a legal requirement that the number of children in the Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes must not exceed 30; and only in exceptional cases would a Key Stage 2 class exceed the published admission number.

Pre-Application Visit

If you would like to visit our school before applying for a place, please contact us on [email protected]

Is your child due to start Reception in September 2024?

The prospective parents open evening for children due to start in September 2023 took place in November 2023

The deadline for applications to the East Riding admissions department is 15th January 2024.  Allocations will be shared with parents in April 2024. Please follow the link below to sign in or register on the Citizen Portal at the East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

Citizen Portal – Sign in (

Please telephone the office for further details.

Prospective parents are welcome to register their child with the school and be placed on a Record of Interest list. We must specify that this does not count as an application.

Parents can admit an application to their own council the autumn before their child is due to start school. Reception pupils are normally admitted to school the September after their 4th birthday. Parents will receive notification of allocated places around April time. Registering your interest will ensure that you receive notification of our prospective parent open evening. Alternatively, please feel free to make an appointment to visit and have a look around.

Once places have been finalised the Reception class teacher will contact parents to arrange a Home Visit. This enables the children to meet with their new teacher in an informal atmosphere. In May/June the children will then be invited into school for a Transition Day which will give them the chance to experience a normal school day and meet up with their new class mates. Towards the end of the summer term parents will be invited to a separate meeting to inform them of the Early Years curriculum and how their child will learn through play.

Parents of older children, moving into the area, are welcome to make an appointment to visit the school. As with entry into Reception, all applications for places are dealt with by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council Admissions Dept.

Please use the following form if you already live in the East Riding of Yorkshire and wish to apply for an ‘in-year’ transfer to an East Riding school.

In Year Admissions