
Home / Parents / Covid-19

Please use this page as the only source of information from the school on our response to COViD-19.

Thank you.

Please follow this to the Trust’s website for the latest guidance and advice.

Please follow this to the Trust’s website for FAQs

Here you will find our home learning contingency plan for children who may need to self isolate or if we have a partial or full school closure.


Remote Learning has now moved to the Microsoft Teams application. Here you will access your online session with teachers as well as finding all the activities and work set. If you have any difficulties with accessing Teams, please contact your class teacher using Tapestry or Seesaw or telephone the school office.

In August 2020, the Government announced additional funding for schools to deliver Catch- Up funding following the COVID 19 lockdown measures. This amounted to £80 per pupil.

Schools should use this funding for specific activities to support their pupils to catch up for lost teaching over the previous months, in line with the guidance on curriculum expectations for the next academic year. Schools have the flexibility to spend their funding in the best way for their cohort and circumstances.

The Education Endowment Fund (EEF) has provided early research evidence around projections for the impact of school closures during lockdown, predominantly on the impact for disadvantaged pupils. The school’s strategic response to devising and implementing the Catch- Up programme fully takes these findings into account. In summary, the EEF projections for the impact of widespread school closures identify:

• The disadvantaged attainment gap widens

• Assessment of lost learning is crucial

• Targeted support in addition to wider school initiatives are required

• Absence rates upon return are crucial
